Electronic Mails
Affirmation of the information contained in any email. Conditions: such electronic mail or signature is accepted as an evidence and if such email or electronic signature is not genuine or not in its genuine form and such email or electronic signature is the best evidence the claiming person can bring, the protected email which is not changed since created can be accepted. Federal Law No. (1) of 2006. On Electronic Transactions and E-commerce.
Appeal No. (241) of 2007 (Commercial Appeal), Session No. 28/01/2008

Islamic Bank
Since no definition, conditions or provisions of Murabaha Agreement is included in the applicable laws, Murabaha Sale Agreement, as defined by the Maliki's scholars, is the sale of an article by its original purchase price in addition to a known commission to the total price and insurance, provided that the sold article is owned by the seller to be able to dispose of it. The first purchase price must be indicated if the seller has previously purchased the article and wants to sell the same.

Difference Between Sale And Supply Contract
Sale Contract varies from Supply Contract. As per Article (489) of Code of Civil Procedures.

Human Trafficking Issue
Interview with Attorney & legal consultant Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi about Human trafficking issue on Alyoum Show on AlHURRA TV.
Cyber Crimes
Interview with Attorney & legal consultant Mohammad Ahmad Al Saadi about Cyber Crimes on Alyoum Show on AlHURRA TV.